Lake Odessa Protein Processing Plant
The village of Lake Odessa, MI was established in 1846 and is located halfway between Grand Rapids and Lansing. With nearly 300 employees, Cargill’s Lake Odessa facility has been an important part of Cargill’s Egg business since 1994 (formerly a part of Herbruck’s Farms, a facility built in the late 1980s). The facility is one of Cargill’s four egg processing facilities and processes more than a half-million pounds of liquid egg product each day.
The Lake Odessa team is passionate about personal safety with a long-standing history of sending employees home safely as well as environmental safety with the addition of an on-site waste water pre-treatment facility. The team also participates in many local and global initiatives such as the Ronald McDonald Houses of West and Mid-Michigan, Feeding America of Ionia County, and Manna’s Market which provides food and services to Lake Odessa inhabitants.